New Year, New Resolutions

White background with an open journal, a pen, and a succulent plant. Journal pages read "New Year" and "Goal" "Plan" and "Action" each with a checkmark checked to the right of it.

With another new year upon us, we have 365 days on the horizon filled with opportunities for self-improvement. Chatter about new years resolutions is everywhere: in the locker room at the gym (hello, swell of new members!), in the aisle of the grocery store as quinoa and kale fill up carts, and of course all over social media. 

Resolutions vary for everyone as they're based on personal goals. Top resolutions include weight loss for health, making exercise a consistent habit, consuming more wholesome foods, consuming water consistently and to pay off debt.

The best way to succeed in your resolution is to establish a goal, create a plan and track your actions. It may come as no surprise to you that most resolutions fail within the first week of February, according to a statistic from US News & World Report. If you want your resolution to succeed past February, follow these tips below.

Start small. If your ultimate goal is to run a marathon and you're not a runner, create small goals that build on each other, leading up to your ultimate goal. You're more inclined to continue to pursue your ultimate goal if you reward yourself for completion of smaller goals along the way. Making your goals feasible and realistic is key!

Track your goals. Dr. Gail Matthews, a professor at the Dominican University in California found you're 42% more likely to complete your goals if you write them down on a regular basis. 

Reward yourself, celebrate your successes! Human beings are heavily reliant on instant gratification. We want what we want, and we want it now. Rewarding yourself with small rewards in pursuit of your longer termed goals will help you feel euphoric and encourage you to continue pursuing the next reward.

Utilize tools to help you on your journey. Using tools to help you achieve your goal is a great strategy. For example, if your goal is to run in a 5K you might try downloading an app to your smartphone that directs your exercise each day leading up to the event. If your goal is to consume more water on a daily basis, you may try a water printable to track your intake. Range Kleen recently launched the Go Caddy compact tote which is great for carrying a water bottle along with identification cards, keys, money, and even sunglasses while remaining hands-free. 

White background features black Go Caddy water bottle holder with clear plastic bottle. Assorted travel items sit around water bottle holder such as passport, credit card, hand wipes, and more.


Save 20% on your next order using code FF2018! At Range Kleen, we wish you luck in the coming months as you work to tackle your resolutions! 

Whitney Bashaw

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