What are drip bowls?
So, what are drip bowls? I asked this question many years ago before I started at Range Kleen. Hi there, I'm Whitney, the Marketing Manager at Range Kleen. And if you find yourself wondering what Drip Bowls are, I assure you that you are not alone. We hear this question often!
My first experience with drip bowls occurred during my college days in an apartment - which, as rumor had it, was a convent in its past life. The apartment was spacious, the landlord was nice, and it was a great location. My roommate and I couldn't have asked for much more as college students. Also, it was incredibly cheap. Our fiscally conservative landlord ensured everything worked well but didn't replace or update things unless necessary*. Hence, one might describe the aesthetics of our apartment as a time capsule - featuring occasional updates through the decades.

The kitchen featured an electric coil range from the 1970s, which functioned well; the oven was easy to bake in. Imagine the range pictured in an almond color. As for the stove, it was mostly okay, except the elements banged and rattled against the drip bowls anytime you placed a pot or pan on the stove, stirred vigorously or attempted to separate anything by "chopping" it (i.e., ground beef etc). At the time, I had no idea what drip bowls were. I didn't know that their purpose was to collect drips, spills and crumbs during the cooking process; nor did I know that they help your range function efficiently by reflecting heat toward the cooking elements.
I also didn't know that drip bowls needed to be replaced annually (whoops). I certainly didn't know that an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Quality fit from Range Kleen would provide a level, custom fit for my range and fix the banging and clanging!

I've learned a lot about cooking, working in the kitchen, and maintaining my range since then, and I happily educate friends, family, and readers on the importance of replacing drip bowls. If you need help finding the perfect drip bowl for your range, comment below - I'd love to help!